Our services are available to companies of any size from small and medium sized fleets to larger commercial vehicle operators. All Onelink Fleet services can be designed to suit your organisation’s requirements;
We offer a First Notification of Loss facility.
Your drivers can notify us by telephone, web form or by mobile application.
After we have taken all the incident details, we can send them to all parties required. This can include your Insurer, Insurance Broker, Internal Management, Key Personnel and your preferred Suppliers.
Early notification to key stakeholders should assist in the control of claim costs. Particularly if there is a third party vehicle involved.
If required, you can access our National Vehicle Repair Network covering all type of cars, light commercial vehicles, specialist commercial vehicles and HGV.
We can also work with your own preferred suppliers.
We can provide a vehicle repair administration service which includes organising an estimate and making regular contact with the repairer to monitor the repair times.
If you would like to hear more and set up an introductory online meeting, please contact Alan on 07725 585568.
We take your privacy seriously and never share your details with 3rd parties.